Artistitc Growth Welcome......

Artistitc Growth Welcome......
"Come Grow"

Sunday, January 3, 2010

"United at Heart, Divided By Time"

  • -the day of union still fresh
  • -the love that became eroded
  • -the loves still the same 
  • -i know because i wrote it
  • -but im sure you don't
  • -i never took the time and spoke it
  • -instead of stroking your mind
  • -well, i stroked IT
  • -instead of opening mines 
  • -i closed it
  • -just know that i knew my camera was out of focus
  • -also know that it was the only camera i had
  • -but now, my pictures are formed paint and canvas
  • -no longer do i use my out of date camera
  • -to paint and ambush
  • -i now stand man enough to put paint to hand brush
  • -and use real emotions to paint the detail my heart harbors
  • -yet, i know my ship no longer sits at the dock 
  • -it sails calm waters, armored, and guarded from being sunk once
  • -i no longer call, so no longer does the storm comes
  • -i just return to that dock 
  • -my brush and canvas in stock
  • -and paint what was

-true love happens once, loyalty happens often.
